Ozarks Kat and K9 Shelter
A non-profit 501(c)3 NO-KILL Animal Shelter

About Us...
About Us...
Our organization was founded in 1989 under the name Society for the Treatment of Abandoned and Fractured Friends (S.T.A.F.F.). We later made the change to Ozarks Kat and K9 to better reflect what we do and easily identify ourselves as a dog and cat shelter. Although our volunteers and employees are few, they are a mighty and passionate team of individuals. If you or anyone you know is interested in helping us, come to our facilities at 17290 MO Hwy 5 North, Sunrise Beach, MO 65079, just south of the Sunrise Beach/Laurie city limits line, or call us at 573-374-2629.
Come visit us today!
We serve the following areas in the State of Missouri:
- Camdenton
- Eldon
- Ivy Bend
- Laurie
- Osage Beach
- Stover
- Sunrise Beach
- Versailles
Our Board of Directors meets monthly on the last Wednesday of the month. Meetings are held at 10:00am at the shelter building and the public is welcome to attend. Please watch our Facebook page and/or the Calendar of Events on the home page of this website for announcements regarding change of date, time or venue for these meetings.
* To provide support to our community through our low-cost spay/neuter and vaccination programs, emergency vet bill assistance, and pet food pantry.
* To protect and advocate for companion animals in need, and to build a humane community that promotes compassion and seeks to strengthen the human-animal bond.
* To promote the humane treatment of animals through education, advocacy and services.
Ozarks Kat and K9 Shelter​
A non-profit 501(c)3 NO-KILL Animal Shelter